A Faithful Father (Immanuel series #4)

by | Dec 27, 2021 | Immanuel Series, Sermons

When the Savior of the world was born, God sent angels to proclaim the Good News… We would assume God would tell everyone all at once or maybe just the most important and powerful people of the day, but instead God chose to reveal this wonderful message to a group of lowly shepherds outside of Bethlehem. Today we will consider what this revelation tells us about God, humility, and how we ought to respond to the birth of Jesus. “…I bring you GOOD NEWS of GScripture doesn’t tell us a lot about Jesus’ earthly father, Jospeh. Yet, we can see from a few short passages that Joseph was a man of great faith! Every time that he received a message from God, Joseph’s words and actions proved how much he trusted God. When the angel told him about Mary’s pregnancy – Joseph believed. When he was warned to flee from Herod – Jospeh believed. When he was told to return to Israel – Joseph believed. When he was warned about Herod’s successor – Jospeh believed. Over and over, we see that Jospeh heard God’s words, believed, and obeyed. May we all live by such faith!

FBC Worship 12.26.21
A Faithful Father (Immanuel series #4)
Dr. Aaron George Glover
First Baptist Church Troup