What comes to mind when you hear the word GREATNESS?
For many, we think of grandeur, conquest, power, authority, winning, and so on. We might think of successful political or military leaders. We may even think about championship athletes or top performers in our workplaces.
Normally, these thoughts of greatness tend to lean towards something or someone being considered “first”.That’s what we think of when we think about greatness… but what does God think?
What comes to His mind when He thinks about GREATNESS?
Consider what God has granted to Jesus, who “…emptied himself by taking the form of a servant…and… humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross…” (Philippians 2:7-8). Jesus humbled Himself by becoming a servant and was, in turn, exalted to the place of highest honor by God.
The greatest man to ever walk this Earth, walked as the King become Servant: He humbled Himself
He submitted to the will of His Father
He served others
He gave His own life
This goes against the world’s characteristics of greatness: He had no formal position in any organization
He led no political or military campaigns
He had no trophies or championships
He acquired no material wealth
He was the King become Servant.
He is the definition of Greatness.
I am looking forward to worshipping with you Sunday as we continue our series “Follow Me” and as we look more closely at the servant leadership of Jesus.
I pray blessings over you in the Name above every Name,
Dr. Aaron George Glover