I Am With You Always (Follow Me series #14)

by | Nov 22, 2021 | Follow Me Series, Sermons

*this video is posted as a backup to our online videos*

FBC Worship 11.21.21
I Am With You Always (Follow Me series #14)
Dr. Aaron Glover
First Baptist Church Troup

The Gospel of Matthew closes with the powerful words of Jesus that we commonly call the Great Commission. After His resurrection, the disciples had gone to wait for Jesus in Galilee, as instructed. During this time, He not only appears to them on the shore, but also on a mountain telling them to “Go” into all the world and make disciples of all peoples, baptizing in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But how could 11 ordinary men accomplish such a great task? Because of Christ: They were sent un His supreme authority, in his name, and with His Spirit — “I Am With You, Always”

The success of this commission rests on the hope of the ONE who has never failed: Christ with us.