The Prophecy (A Nation, A Name, A Blessing series #4)

by | Jul 25, 2021 | A Nation, A Name, A Blessing Series, Sermons

*this video is posted as a backup to our online videos*

FBC Worship 07.25.21 The Prophecy (A Nation, A Name, A Blessing series #4)
Dr. Aaron George Glover
First Baptist Church of Troup

We had a very special worship service this morning, celebrating Anchored VBS! We began our service with a VBS spotlight, followed by worship through song, giving, and scripture. The week, we continued our series in Genesis about God’s promises to Abraham, hearing specifically about the son that God prophesied to Abraham and Sarah. In this passage, we see that nothing is impossible or too great for God to bring about. *At 40:40 in the video, brother Aaron accidentally said “Isaac” instead of “Ishmael”. In this portion, Abraham pleads about Ishmael, but God rejects Ishmael as the covenant son. God establishes his covenant through Isaac (Gen 17:15-21)*

FBC worship 07/25/2021